Follea Gripper Wig Review Video – Wigs for Alopecia

Tonight I found a great video about Follea Gripper wigs – a wig designed for people with Alopecia (Alopecia Totalis and Universalis especially, or advanced forms of Alopecia Areata).

The video is an interview between a young lady, Maykayla, and Michael Leigh, the President of Follea. Maykayla shares her experience with her Follea Gripper Wig. She has been using it for a couple of years and loves it so much she has become somewhat of an ambassador both for Follea Gripper wigs and also for raising awareness about Alopecia. It's not often that people are happy share their experience of Alopecia so publicly, we applaud Makela for her braveness and openess. It helps everyone.

At Transitions, we have been using the Gripper Wigs for a number of years and we are extremely happy with them. We love the hair quality (gorgeous European/ Russian Hair) and how long they last for. Our clients also love them! Many have have switched to the Gripper wigs because they especially love how it requires no glue, tape or any other kind of adhesive – it is extremely secure (watch the video to the end and you will understand what I mean!) and would never come off your head when fitted appropriately. Also, they are very light, cool, and breathable (especially compared to the Suction or Vacuum wigs). In a hot climate coolness, lightness and breathability are extremely important. They also enjoy being able to feel the wind and rain on their scalp again!

Highlights in the video:

1. There are a number of close up photos of her hair (it looks so natural, as all of the Gripper wigs do).

2. The “Swish Test” – this is where Makela swishes her hair around like Beyonce in a music video.

3. The quality of the hair – she loves it and we are sure you will too!

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