Real Human Hair Wigs vs Topette Crown Extensions

If you are someone who is experiencing female hair loss you may have been overwhelmed with the different hair replacement and hair restoration solutions avaliable and be struggling to know which one is for you. Particularly when it comes to wigs, crown extensions and other hair pieces for women, it can be difficult to know what will work best for you and help you get your confidence back!

Here at Transitions Hair we offer two main hair loss solutions for women experiencing extensive hair loss and require some form of hair replacement. These are Follea real human hair wigs and topette crown extensions which are also made from top quality real human hair.

Follea Gripper Wigs

The beautiful Follea gripper wigs are the perfect hair loss solution for women who are experiencing widespread hair loss as they provide complete and natural coverage of the entire scalp. Unlike older style wigs, the innovative Gripper wig does not use tapes or glue to adhere to the scalp. Instead, it uses a medical grade silicone that ‘grips’ to the scalp with complete security. It is so secure that even if you are engaged in competitive sport, at the gym, dancing, or out with your friends, you can have complete confidence in knowing this female wig is going to stay on your head.


Topette Crown Extensions

Often women who are experiencing severe hair loss assume the only way to cover this is with a full head wig. However Topette crown extensions can be used to transform existing hair into thick, full, looking hair. Topettes are perfect if your have severe hair thinning – particularly on the top of the scalp as they clip onto the heap for complete coverage. Topettes are also great if you just want to add extra thickness to fine or thin hair.


To try these great products or find out more about our entire range of hair loss solutions, you can call 1300 427 778 or click here to book a free confidential consultation with one of our hair loss professionals.

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