Wigs In Our World – The Jewish Sheitel

Wigs are much more common than you may realise, and are often worn for reasons other than hair loss. One reason women wear wigs is due to their religion and culture. For example, some Orthodox Jewish women choose to wear a wig called the sheitel.

A sheitel is a wig worn by women to conform to the Jewish Law instructing married women to keep their head covered in the sight of men other than their husband. This is part of the modesty-related dress standards of the tzniut – a spiritual path of modesty and humility. Many women who wear sheitels love that they can allow a woman to save her true appearance for the privacy of her family life, but also to look attractive in public.

Traditional sheitels used to be thick and often uncomfortable, with heavy fringes to hide the hairline. However, as modern wigs have developed, women have a lot more choice and can find natural-looking, comfortable sheitels.

Transitions Hair is proud to provide a huge range of beautiful human hair wigs that fit the needs of sheitel wearers perfectly. To meet with one of our consultants and find the perfect sheitel for you, call us on 1300 427 778 or book your consultation here.

Take a look at some of the high-quality wigs available through Transitions, and the amazing, natural looks that can be achieved…

Follea Wig - Brown Hair

Follea Wig - Red

Follea Wig - Brown2

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