Hair Transplantation and You

How you can avoid a huge hair transplant cost but still regain your hair and confidence
Thinking about hair transplantation?

At Transitions Hair, we come into contact with all sorts of men and women who are seeking hair loss treatments that work. Some are suffering from thinning hair, some from hereditary hair loss, and others from medical hair loss… The list goes on. One hair loss treatment that many people are immediately drawn to is hair transplantation. Hair transplant surgery is a very attractive option for those suffering from hair loss because of the permanence of the procedure. How nice it would be to get a permanent fix for hair loss, and to forget that it was ever a problem for you! Hair transplantation surgery also means that you don’t have to worry about maintenance other than your regular hair care regime.

However, we often find that clients come in to Transitions with their mind set on hair transplant surgery, but end up leaving with a different hair loss treatment that they are even happier with. Below are some of the options that have worked well for our clients considering hair transplantation surgery:

Hair loss concealing fibres – These are great for those with thinning hair, or a small to medium amount of hair loss. The fibres adhere to the natural hair strands, meaning that if you have large expanses of bald areas on your head, this will probably not be the best solution for you.

Laser treatments – Certain hair lasers have been proven to promote hair growth in those suffering from pattern baldness. While less instant and dramatic than some hair loss treatments, this is a good option to explore, particularly for those suffering from male pattern baldness.

SensiGraft – SensiGraft bridges the gap between hair transplantation and conventional hair replacement. Your natural hair is supplemented by a transdermal graft, giving you a full head of hair that looks perfectly natural, instantly. This is an exciting new development in hair loss treatment, and is often chosen over surgical hair transplantation. The cost is lower, there is no need for invasive procedures, and the results are fantastic.

– These are just some of the range of great hair loss treatments available to you.

Whether the best hair loss treatment for you is hair transplant surgery, hair thickening fibres, SensiGraft, or something else entirely, the best way to discover it is by coming in for a free and confidential consultation with a professional hair loss consultant. Book here or call us on 1300 427 778 to organise your appointment today.

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